Digital Tech Summit 2022 X DK universities
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From 25-10-22 to 26-10-22

Meet research and industry, when over 5,000 decision-makers, CEOs, researchers, companies, engineers, students, startups, investors, policymakers and more come together to discuss and share the “what, when, how and why” of the digital technologies and transformations at this, the 2022 edition of the Danish National Digital Tech Summit.


Part conference, part exhibition and part networking event with a broad range of keynote-speakers, sessions, debates and events within the digital sphere.  Companies and professionals pay to attend. Students are invited to attend for free. Learn more and sign up here…


Tuesday October 25th, 2022, 08.30 to Wednesday October 26th 2022 17.00


Bella Center, Center Blvd. 5, 2300 Copenhagen Denmark


Digital Tech Summit 2022 is a collaboration between Copenhagen Science City-partner University of Copenhagen and Danish universities Danish Technical University, Aarhus University, Aalborg University, University of Southern Denmark, Roskilde University, IT University of Copenhagen as well as organisations Confederation of Danish Industry/Digital, The Danish Chamber of Commerce, Danish IT Society and The Danish ICT Industry Association.


  • Companies that want to showcase particular skills.
  • Students who want to learn more and meet movers and players.
  • Visitors such as IT-professionals, hobbyists or the just plain curious.