Recruit Italian academics X Work In Denmark
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From 21-02-24 to 22-02-24

Join this free-of-charge event to find highly educated Italians for your internships, graduate Positions and junior talent positions.The Danish talent attraction office “Work In Denmark” has engineered an agreement with two leading Italian universities, and your company can get to recruit among 80,000 of their students and recent graduates.


Free-of-charge recruitment webinars, where you can meet potential candidates among 80,000 students and recent graduates from the universities of Padua and Ferrara. Go to the WorkinDenmark site (Danish Language) to learn more and sign up…
At the webinar Copenhagen Science City will tell the candidates about working for start-up companies in our innovation district.


On-Line… Sign up via the Work In Denmark-site to get access.


21st and 22nd February 2024


Any Danish company trying to recruit hard-to-find talent.