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Record breaking career expo coupled Danish companies with international students

Life science career expo 2022 Copenhagen Science City

Danish companies compete with the coolest countries for the brightest minds. In October 2022 Copenhagen Science City joined forces with the investment and talent-attraction organisation Copenhagen Capacity to help companies meet internationals studying in Denmark. Eleven companies met 120 students and walked away with appointments for 42 job-interviews. This is the best ever result for a single Copenhagen Capacity matchmaking event.

Start-up started hiring within weeks

Serkawt Khola, PhD, is the CEO of one participating company: the Med-tech start-up EvoPlexus Medics. During the expo he managed to schedule interviews with five potential new hires, two of which were hired by EvoPlexus Medics within weeks. His start-up is located in Copenhagen Science City and develops a telehealth and Precision Medicine solution for chronic patients, currently focusing on chronic kidney-disease patients. Their solution is powered by artificial intelligence and combines a wearable monitor with an app for the patients and a clinical platform, while a diagnostic urine test is also under development. This is exactly the type of company, that Copenhagen Science City wants to assist.

Copenhagen Science City aims to be a world class innovation district. To meet this goal it is crucial, that companies in our area are able to attract highly educated staff. Collaborating on this with Copenhagen Capacity has been very fruitful”: Kristoffer Klebak, Head of Secretariat, Copenhagen Science City.

Location was “Stamp of Approval”

Companies and students met in the landmark building Mærsk Tower for the event. This is home to Copenhagen Science City-partner University of Copenhagen research and education in health and medical sciences and the 15-storey building offers stunning views of the 2 square kilometre innovation district and of the Danish capital. According to Copenhagen Capacity’s Chief Operating Officer, location and collaboration with the university functioned as a sort of official stamp of approval for the event.

It is important to show international talent, that Copenhagen is an attractive career destination. The facilities in Copenhagen Science City are visual proof, that Denmark is a country where science-based innovation is taken seriously. Even at the highest political levels”: Nikolaj Lubanski, COO Copenhagen Capacity.

International profiles for a “Born Global” company

For EvoPlexus Medics it was highly valuable that the career event gathered international profiles. During their development phase they have been collaborating on a global scale. From the university hospital, Rigshospitalet, a short walk away, and going as far away as Brazil, Africa and India to find partners. This “Born Global” attitude shaped Serkawt Khola’s wishes for the career expo.

Denmark is a small country; therefore it is important to build our business with a view to scaling out on a global level. This means that we hope to help as many people as possible around the world to have better and more equal access to good quality healthcare. For this mission, having staff with various languages, international skills and experiences, and a wide range of cultural insights is crucial. We were very happy with the diversity we experienced at the career expo”: Serkawt Khola, CEO, EvoPlexus Medics.

 Tips for start-ups seeking talent at expos

Company executives frequently need to travel to find global talent. According to Serkawt Khola it is especially valuable to have career expos in the neighbourhood for start-ups like his and he has a few tips for other small or new companies.

If you can show the candidates that joining your start-up could give them the opportunity to have a substantial impact on the current paradigm shift within the healthcare sector, especially on a global level, then you have won half the battle. When you present your company be very clear about its vision and mission. About what stage it is at, and about what its immediate needs are. I also found that candidates wanted to know what I personally stand for”:  Serkawt Khola, CEO, EvoPlexus Medics.

International recruitment help

Companies of any size can get international recruitment help from Copenhagen Capacity and they divide their time between attracting candidates from abroad and retaining young talent who have already chosen Denmark for their studies. Lubanski has specific advice when start-ups think about taking part in their matchmaking events for international students.

Be very clear about what you are looking for in your candidates, and then just get started. Maybe hiring for a full-time position is too ambitious for your start-up, but you don’t need to. You could start a low-key involvement with an internship, a master’s thesis collaboration or a part-time or student job”: Nikolaj Lubanski, COO Copenhagen Capacity.

Possibly the strongest innovation destination in Europe

Copenhagen Capacity is the official organisation for investment promotion and economic development in the Greater Copenhagen region. Copenhagen Science City is an innovation district in the heart of the Danish capital. It is home to University of Copenhagen, University Hospital Rigshospitalet and University College Copenhagen. With 40,000 researchers, students and staff and 450 start-ups it has one of Europe’s highest concentrations of knowledge within Science and Health and Medical Sciences. The Copenhagen Science City-partners are:

  • University of Copenhagen
  • University Hospital Rigshospitalet
  • University College Copenhagen (KP)
  • City of Copenhagen
  • The Capital Region of Denmark
  • Symbion
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Danish Building and Property Agency