Maker meet-up X Viadukten
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Are you wondering which type of company would be ideal for you to register as? Are there legal barriers for your start-up? Are you unsure about what it means to be on a start-up journey as a team and what it takes to attract investors when the time is right? If these questions sound interesting to you, then join the open-to-the-public Maker Meet-Up in the makerspace Viadukten: The professional workspace for physical start-ups.


Maker Meet-Up – Legal Advice for Start-ups. Learn more and sign up to this free-of-charge event here…


Team Maker and Henrik Bartels, Attorney, Advodan, is an attorney specialised in commercial litigation, digital strategy and commercial contracts. He will be joining the event to talk about the legal aspects of being a start-up. Henrik will do a presentation followed by questions from the participants.


February 23rd from 17.30 – 19.30.
Learn more and sign up to this free-of-charge event here…


Makerspace Viadukten, Christians Brygge 31, 1219 København K


Any start-up or entrepreneur. Especially those building a physical product or prototype.