Posters educate citizens about signature building
The Niels Bohr Building is currently under construction in the innovation district Copenhagen Science City. Once completed, it will be a global landmark for research and education. The Danish Road Directorate have now posted a series of 3-meter long banners on the fences surrounding the building site. The banners are an effort to inform neighbours and passers-by about the future content and present process of the 52,000-m2 construction project. By Jes Andersen.
Filling up with research and education in science
35 banners tell the story of the Niels Bohr Building, its architecture and the natural sciences research and education that will eventually fill it. The building is divided into two and straddles Jagtvej, a major thoroughfare which divides the leafy upscale residential area Østerbro from the vibrant and edgy urban quarter of Nørrebro.
A very special building
The Danish Road Directorate is in charge of completing the building and activity is high, explains the manager of the construction project.
We have about 400 builders on site. It is a very special building and we think everyone should have the pleasure of learning about it”: Jørn-Orla Bornhardt, Project Manager, Danish Road Directorate.
Facade reproduces scientific formulas
Once completed, the Niels Bohr Building is expected to house the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen. The highly expressive facetted facades of the building reproduce various natural science formulas such as Pi and The Golden Ratio.
The construction of the Niels Bohr building is part of the Danish Government’s investment plan for the modernization of university facilities, and the building will contain over 100 laboratories for faculty students and researchers.
The Danish Road Directorate expect to complete the Niels Bohr Building in the summer of 2019.