Biosolutions is a multidisciplinary approach that seeks to solve complex problems and promote sustainable and efficient agriculture, industrial, food, and ingredient productions. This seminar will discuss precision fermentation of novel food. With the help of genetically modified bacteria and fungi, precision fermentation has already been widely used in the pharmaceutical and industrial production of enzymes. In the future, it may be possible to produce key food nutrients to replace those that are traditionally derived from animals or plants and with a significant carbon footprint. Join top researchers from Copenhagen Science City-partner University of Copenhagen to learn about technological, regulatory, economic and ethical challenges.
This event is part of the University of Copenhagen Green Solutions Centre Biosolutions seminar series. The event is free of charge. Click here to find the full programme and REGISTER no later than February 22, 2024
Thursday 29th. February 2024, 11:00-13:00
Dyrlægevej 10, Frederiksberg, room 781-06-0-i61- KUB Frederiksberg (The library)
Researchers, industry professionals, and students with an interest in precision fermentation.