Roughly half of European greenhouse gas emissions originate from resource extraction and processing. Circular economy is the solution – a transformation that rethinks the use of resources, focusing on minimal-waste production. Reducing resource consumption along with improving recycling and reutilization of resources constitutes a big economic opportunity for companies and organizations. Sustainability equates to competitiveness, and demand for circular solutions and products is growing.
Combined conference and fair. TWO days, FIVE stages, ONEHUNDREDPLUS speakers, ONEHUNDREDPLUS exhibitors and THREETHOUSANDPLUS attendees. Join this conference to learn about solutions and meet peers. The event is FREE-OF-CHARGE, but you must sign up. Click here to learn more and get your free ticket.
LOOP is a private initiative co-created with a wide variety of private and public partners.
Wednesday April 27th. 09.15 to Thursday April 28th. 17.00
LOKOMOTIVVÆRKSTEDET, Otto Busses Vej 5A, 2450 København SV Denmark
Start-up founders, researchers, students and anyone else interested in providing solutions for or making a business of the green transition and circular economy.