Bridging industry and University
38-year-old Associate Professor Søren Stobbe of the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute has been awarded the 2017 SCIENCE Business Prize by the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Science. Søren Stobbe received the award for successfully conducting commercially-oriented research while inspiring his students to do the same.
Patents, partnerships and spinouts
The external assessment committee, consisting of representatives from Chr. Hansen, Haldor Topsøe, Arla and Netcompany, praised Professor Søren Stobbe for: “His effective commercial collaboration, business development and innovation. He has helped to bring important knowledge into play beyond the university. This has been achieved through a robust portfolio that includes numerous patents and licensing agreements, partnerships with external companies, extensive outreach and, not least, the founding of two spin-off companies. Additionally, Søren Stobbe is actively engaged in getting students to consider the commercial aspects of their research.”
Unbreakable encryption for Internet 2.0
Søren Stobbe, who is based in Copenhagen science City, has conducted research in nanophysics and the quantum mechanical effects in the interaction of light and matter. His work has resulted in the development of a photon-chip that allows the control of individual photons. The development of a reliable single photon source is a first step towards a future where photonic quantum technology can be applied to, for example, unbreakable encryption, or perhaps even a quantum-based internet.
Commenting on his being awarded the 2017 SCIENCE Business Prize, Søren Stobbe says:
“I am really happy about the prize and the recognition of my work that it represents. I have been involved in the research of nanophysics and quantum mechanical effects in light-matter interaction for many years, but have increasingly become interested in commercialization and industrial collaboration.
Thrilled awardee enjoys sharing
“I want to share the technologies that I developed to drive basic research to new heights, with the rest of the world as a partner. It’s good to share, but one soon confronts a funding problem. It dawned on me that the solution was to form a private company. I had already started two spin-offs and found them to be enormously instructive, difficult and fun. In the future, I hope to be involved with the starting up of even more, together with coming generations of PhD students and Postdocs.”
Professor Søren Stobbe will receive an honorary diploma for his efforts, as well as 75,000 kroner for his professional use.